
Monday, May 29, 2006

Bad Day

Well, this is not the song by David Powter or I'm gonna sing that song. But indeed, I seriously had a bad day today.

First thing in the morning, came to office is get "firing" from my GM. I just don't understand Malaysian employer/boss they have such mindsets that they can never praise their employee/staff. By even just telling you "You've done a great job, but no doubt there are rooms for improvement. Keep it up, I'm sure you'll do better..." bla bla bla.. something like that. Perhaps even being a leader of the organization, teach those who are under them, nurture them, guide them to be the next future leader. Be it in another company or being your own boss.

Sometimes I really wonder what would I be like if I'm the BOSS. Would I be like them as well or like those Americans' boss where they can be cool, at the same time being your boss. At the end of the day, they portray themselves as your boss, where you can have fun in your work, and not your Mummy or Daddy in the company, baby sitting you.

My boss today "fired" me because I've closed one sales that he's also approaching before him. I do know and understand he's going after it and I also being informed that the sales can be close as first-come, first-serve basis. And now I closed it first, not getting praise but scolded. I've closed it a RM10,000 deal but he was saying the deal can be done at RM30,000. True, enough that the client wanted a RM20,000 package but it has sold out. Therefore he opted a smaller package - RM10,000/RM12,000. I'm sure budget is an issue to them, since I've been following up with them. NOT that I'm taking it personally, but he told me I should handle this "business" in a smarter way. Does that calling me I'm STUPID???!!

I'm feeling demotivated at the moment. No at the right pace of working or getting sales. I really need something to get me kick-start again. Oh, God help me..

I think that's only best way I can go to. "Tangible" enough? I'm sure it is but really gotta get myself something to move on. MADNESS. Lord, please help. I'm gonna kill myself.... DEPRESS.

I know I should be alright in a lil' while. Just gotta be patient get focus back on again on my work and my event.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

What A Day...!! Sigh...

She (my manager) asked me what have I been doing for the last 4 hours.. sigh… I can’t answer her much, as I only did a bit of work. Nothing much to do seriously. Well, probably she can advice. What is she expecting actually??!!! I seriously can’t read her mind cause I’m not Professor X. She's is expecting so much that I'm not given a "human-being-time" frame to complete or in fact, the FREEDOM to complete my assignment.

She should know that when it is a SATURDAY, then there are hardly many companies who are working today. What kind of calls should I make? Shopping malls?!!! DUH!

Why am I needed to answer all these lousy questions? Am I still a standard 1 school kid or what. Damn! I wish I am.. then I won’t have so much to worry about.

Stop treating me like a child, as I'm not being one neither! Sometimes i feel she makes me feel so stupid of myself. “I NOT Stupid 3”. :(

Friday, May 05, 2006

Emails that sent by HER

These are some of the emails that ticks me off, push me and made can't stand anymore, makes me feel I have another mother, though. Or girlfriend. Damn...!! And the reason is HEERRRRRRR.....

From: Sangeeta Bai
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2006 5:02 PM
To: Keith Chong Hon Yen
Subject: break time


Please make your smoke brakes short ones. I don’t want to hear any complains about you.


From: Sangeeta Bai
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 6:26 PM
To: Keith Chong Hon Yen
Subject: RE: calls made

No prob. With such kind of job it can get frustrating. But that does not mean you loose your cool. Follow up tightly on all leads. Need help let me know ASAP.



From: Sangeeta Bai
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 4:08 PM
To: Keith Chong Hon Yen


I want you to cc me all emails that you send out pertaining to CEF as of now.


From: Sangeeta Bai
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 9:29 AM
To: Chong Sheek Jing
Cc: Keith Chong Hon Yen
Subject: RE: Keith on MC today

Keith ,

In future if you are in mc you are to call me directly or Ms Chong. No passing messages.


Thursday, May 04, 2006

Time is short, pressure is on, but NO BLOODY SUPPORT..!!

The fair is getting nearer to the launch at KL, happening on end of June.

Manager is pushing to sell the booths, which I pretty much understand why. I'm worried and being pressure about this. The fair is like my project, my baby. Not sure how am I gonna do this. God knows how. Only God can save me. Really need all the support and assistance to help me settle up all the booth, at least those in KL first. 'Cause till now only sold 1% of the space. I'm so dead. "Dying to live" so to say. HAH! I'm so squeezed up by my boss and goin breathless, just like the hedgehod in the pic.

As I was saying my manager has no support on me. I don't see any effort from her or showing how she can close a deal.

2days ago, I just can't take it anymore and I just blew right at her face. She just kept pushing it for something that she wanted eventhough a solutioin already given to her. Just don't understand how women can become bosses or managers sometimes. Pardon me, I'm not being stereotype here, but God knows why on earth I'm facing all these women who doesn't know how to lead but wanna lead? Why do they allow women-men equality? Why they allow women to stand in Parliament as MPs, so called the women's political rights - Millicent Fawcett (between 1903-1928), and also made one of them to be the very 1st Prime Minister - Margaret Thatcher (1979-1990) in Britain back in the 19th-20th century, during the Victorian age?

[P/S: Not to forget our beloved Malaysian MP for PJ Utara, Petaling Jaya - Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun]

In 1870, Queen Victoria had written "let women be what God intended, a helpmate for man, but with totally different duties and vocations. Is this really what God intended? Or is just a "Queen" thing. Why God allows such things to happened, that has stirred all women in the world? (Not trying to question God's work here, only wondering)

Again, I'm not judging. Is just my pure, innocent, virgin mind that have such thoughts about women being a leader. Even I have to accept it, it is so, why women these days aren't like those leaders I mentioned.
I'm just like this poor hamster (cute, I know) stuck in that poor cup, in a cage. Gosh, how am I suppose to get of here? If I get out, who is going to feed me?
Now my GM, who only came in today also so called "pressuring" me to want to push the sales for the booths. 1 man show, in 1 month for a 100 BOOTHS (KL only)...!!
This is madness. Next week is gonna be a crazy week for me. Gonna be damn busy. How I wish I'm my own boss to myself. Have all the time, money & all problems in the world. Is not ironic but paradox! What else has installed for me? Any teaser? Just patiently wait and see. I know you don't like waiting. But...... I'm not sure what else do be done than wait!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Work @ JobsDB

This is the 2nd week I'm in here and it has been pretty stressful as I'm working on the sales of my company upcoming event - Career & Education Fair 2006 on end of June, July and August.

It is until that point break in which when I sleep, I dreamt I'm working on selling booths. It is madness. Never have enough/better sleep. Mind that, this is worst than the previous job (IT-365), as a customer support where I did most of the desktop support. This is madness. Sometimes I feel the "unwanted feeling" of "dragging-my-feet-to-work" feel is on in any of my working days.

It's fine for me to work in KL City or taking the hassle of squeezing into the "sardin-can" size LRT every morning and evening (I know is sickening). But I really don't mind the travelling, the squeezing & the jamming. By doing all these, my manager is the one who doesn't actually support me. I feel as though I'm a piece of dirt in here, not being appreciated of my effort, complaints everything I did was not so right. Bottomline is, she's not being very supportive and encouraging to work on my sales.

For example, I just got a piece of email that says....

From: Sangeeta Bai Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 2:28 PM
To: Keith Chong Hon Yen
Cc: Chong Sheek Jing
Subject: lunch hour

Keith your official lunch hour from tomorrow is 12-1pm. Pls follow this atiming

Chong pls take note

Sangeeta Bai

Marketing and Business Development Manager
JobsDB Malaysia
(No. 1 Job Site in Asia Pacific)
Phone :- (006) 03-2161 0000

Fax :- (006) 03-2161 1010

What is this supposed to be? What is she trying to proof? She don't have to do anything for me to realize or aware that she's my boss to report to. Where's my respect? Don't I deserve it? Is not like I don't respect or like her or what, is just that this has gone too far day by day.

I'm afraid I might not be able to hold on any longer and become a "emo-terrorist" and "suicide-bomb" with the explosion of my anger.

I'm persevering, just don't know how long I will last. Plan to hold on until the event's over. Looking at the situation like this, is pretty unlikely not.
